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Mount Batur, an active volcano in Kintamani Bangli

Standing with a height 1,717 meters, Mount Batur is one of the active volcanoes in Indonesia. This mountain has a large caldera that is considered one of the largest and most beautiful in the world. This caldera formed after two large eruptions 29,300 and 20,150 years ago. Dried black mountain still has breath and give life to surrounding communities. 
Mount Batur has erupted many times. Batur volcanic activity in recorded history began in 1804 and the last eruption occurred in 2000. From 1804 to 2005, Mount Batur has erupted more than 26 times and the most violent place on 2 August and ending 21 September 1926. The eruption of Mount Batur that make the flow of hot lava village hoard Ulun Danu Batur and Batur. 
According to a story in the manuscript, Mount Batur is actually the summit of Mount Mahameru displaced by Pasupati Bathara to make it as a palace for the Goddess Danu. That's why people come to Mount Batur Bali on a particular day and make offerings at Ulun Danu Batur to honor the Goddess Danu Bathara Pasupati and so they will be blessed with fertile soil population and prosperity. 
Mount Batur plays an important role in public life around the volcano and all the people on this island. Mount Batur is a popular destination to see Bali, so that the tourism sector in this area is growing rapidly. There is a restaurant along the roadside Kintamani and hotels built around Toya Bungkah (hot springs where the water comes from the heart of the volcano). Caldera, the crater, and the lakes are located side by side, and the mountain scenery of the village Penelokan a perfect view. 
In addition to the growing tourism because of the beauty of the volcano, caldera and the lake is also a source of life for the community. If you go along the narrow road toward the caldera, you'll see trucks filled with black sand derived from the caldera. They are black sand mining for sale in the city or even sell it to other islands. Lake water is the main source for irrigation for agriculture in the lake and also in the villages nearby.  
Basically the land in this area dry, but fertile soil because it contains some minerals that come from volcanoes. So if you take a walk by the lake, you can see the growing green cabbage and other vegetables. Also the lake is home to several species of freshwater fish, so fishermen who make a lot of hatchery fish in the lake to create a proper environment for the fish to grow healthy. Then the fish is served in restaurants around the area or used for own consumption by these fishermen. 
Mount Batur region known as the mainstay attractions Bangli district. It is said that according to a story in Lontar Susana Bali, Gunung Batur is the peak of Mount Mahameru who moved Batara Pasupati untuik be Sthana Betari Danuh (palace goddess Danu). At any given time, all Hindus of various regions Batur in Bali came to deliver to Suwinih to repel pests disaster that befell their fields. By delivering this suminih Mount Batur the region into a fertile area. 
Areas that can be highlighted as a tourist attraction is the crater, the caldera and the lake. There is a flow of water in the soil that drains the water of Lake Batur, which came into spring in several places in Bali and considered the "holy Tirta" 
Contained cultural tourism in the region of Mount Batur is Trunyan. Although the entire population are Hindus Trunyan like most people of Bali, they claim that Hindu Trunyan a Hindu kingdom of Majapahit original heritage. In the north there Trunyan Kuban, a village where the tomb, but the body was not buried or burned, but put under the tree after an elaborate funeral ceremonies. Pemakamanan place is filled by the bones, and we may find a corpse that is still new. 
Feel the breath of the mountain to become part of the beautiful scenery of Mount Batur.


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