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Gong Cave, the natural charm of Eastern Java, Indonesia

Goa Gong is one of the mainstay attractions Pacitan. Gong Cave is one of the caves hidden in the belly small mountains in Pacitan. This cave is a cave with a horizontal length of about 256 meters. Inside the cave there are stalactite, cone-shaped limestone rocks in the cave ceiling and stalagmites, limestone rock that stands at the base of hundreds of years old. According to some researchers and tourists.

Gong Cave Named as outstanding according to the story, from the cave is often heard noises that sound like a gong. Gong Cave discovery process itself occurs by accident. Once, on a dry season when there is prolonged, so that in Hamlet Pule drought. Water is very difficult to obtain. Noyo Mbah Mbah Joyo Semito and initiative to seek water into the cave that is in place. By using a torch made ​​of dried palm leaves tied together, they browse the aisles tries a cave. After spending seven bunch of torches, they discovered several spring and bathe in it. The discovery took place around the year 1930.


This cave is located in the village Bomo, sub Punung, Pacitan about 30 km from the town of Pacitan, can be achieved with either two-wheel motor vehicles and four wheels. Yag winding roads and up and down makes the rider must be careful, not to mention some minor roads were damaged. To achieve Gong Cave, you can use two lines. The first path is the path through Pracimantoro, Wonosari, Gunungkidul. Whereas the second lane from the town of Pacitan. The easiest way to achieve Pacitan is through Solo. From the city's available pretty much the bus and the road width and smooth. If you depart from Surabaya, you have to change transport three times. From Surabaya to Madison, then change bus to Ponorogo. You take a bus from a small Ponorogo Pacitan majors but now routinely every day there are buses directly from Pacitan to Surabaya and travel-travel that leads you were PP from Malang, Surabaya, Solo, Yogyakarta to Pacitan.


Arriving at the front gate, visitors must first walk about 100 meters. The flashlight vendors at the gate or mouth of the cave will offer their flashlights to rent. During the trip can be enjoyed sights typical mountain or a quick stop to shop at the stalls that lined all the way to the cave. Facilities available in the region, among others, Gong Cave gift shop, restaurant, parking, public toilets, and the mosque. For tourists who want to know the ins and outs of Gong Cave in detail, they can hire a guide who is in the region. However, for those who do not want to hire a guide to buying an existing guide books. For those of you who want to stay, you can rent a hotel or lodging in the city of Pacitan.

When entering the cave, the eye will be more familiar with the state let alone a dark cave when not carrying a flashlight. But not to worry as she walked down the cave because existing lines have been cemented and iron grip so that visitors do not tepelet. Getting into, visitors will be amazed by the sights of exceptional beauty, at least that's what I feel. Stalactite and stalagmite in the cave will hypnotize each eye to see it. Fluorescent lamps add to the colorful keeksotikan this cave. Stalagnit and stalagmites immortalized with a given name, Cello Giri, Citro Cipto Supreme Selo, Pakuan Bomo Cello, Cello Adi Citro Lane, Cello Cello spur banks of Wind and Wind.

Inside there are five spring Goa Gong is valuable for those who believe in magic. Spring-spring include: Spring Charm Rogo, Panguripan Spring, Spring Jiwo niches, Kamulyan Spring, and Spring Nisto niches are believed to have magical value to heal disease.

Gong Cave has some room. The first space is the space contained Angels Spring Small spring with cold water and clean in it. Beside it is the Angel of space, which according to the story, in this room sometimes passing shadow of a beautiful woman who resembles an angel.

The third and fourth space is the space crystal and marble, which is stored in the room crystal stone and marble with a near-perfect quality. The fifth room is the most spacious room. In this place a music concert ever held four countries (Indonesia, Switzerland, Britain, and France) in order to promote the presence of Gong Cave overseas. The sixth room is a room hermitage, and the last room is the living Stone Gong. In this room there are stones that if we will issue a percussion sound like Gong. 


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