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White Crater and Situ Patengan

In South Jakarta, there are several interesting tourist objects to be visited. Among them are White Crater and Situ Patengan (people often call Situ). Because the distance is quite far from the city Bandung, about 2.5 hours, is recommended if you want to visit places in South Jakarta, it is better to multiple places at once, so your trip more efficient.

White Crater

This place was in the area Ciwidey. The scenery is quite beautiful, it's cold. On the mountain, there is a stretch of white sand, and in the middle there is a green lake, a view that is quite a contrast. Even when I get there, there is a bride and groom are taking pictures for pre-wedding.

Beautiful place was reportedly discovered by a Dutchman named, Dr. Franz Wilhem Junghuh. He does not believe the stories of locals who say the area is haunted Patuha, because the residence jinn and spirits. So there is no animal that passes even birds flying across it can die. If found the existence of the lake, in which there are burst of sulfur, so the animals do not like the smell.

Near the entrance there are several Saung, so we can rest relaxed with the atmosphere that we never get in the big cities. Admission price is quite cheap, Rp. 3,500,- per person, plus Rp. 3,000 for the car. Indeed, in this place there is no complete facilities, just selling the existing landscape. Unfortunately, this should be a very attractive tourist place if serious managed by local governments.

Situ Patengan

From there patengan White Crater, we can continue our journey to Situ Patengan. This tourist park is more crowded than White Crater, probably due to the existing facilities more. This spacious park 17 ha, 48 ha while the vast lake. In the middle of the lake there is a small island called the island of Asmara, due to a heart-shaped.

Situ Patengan, derived from the Sundanese language, "Patengan-teangan" which menas to find each other. It is said thet there used to be a pair of lovebirds and goddess Ki Santang Rengganis who love each other. They parted for so long, and each search. Finally they met at a place called Stone Love. Goddess Rengganis also asked for the lake and a boat to sail together. The boat is what until then had been a heart-shaped island (island Asmara / Island Sasaka).

Stone Love Island Asmara legend says that, for couples that surround the island and stop at the stone Asmara Love will find eternal love like a couple. Without wasting a chance, we also hire a boat and circled the island and drop into the stone of Love. On the trip, the boatmen Asmara told also that the island is haunted, and should only be visited by a visitor if it be authorized and accompanied by thee gatekeeper. Unfortunately many of the hands of ignorant who left graffiti on the attractions of this beautiful. Entry ticket slightly more expensive than White Crater, but I forgot exact pricing.

Well interest to visit South Bandung?
Regards frugal snake street.


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