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Waterfall Moramo: Baths Angels in Cape Peropa

Remember we are going to turn legend Angel from heaven just for a bath? It is said that the story is also found among people Konawe South, Southeast Sulawesi. Because according to the local community Moramo waterfall bath is a place of angles who descended from heaven.

The waterfall is located in the Cape Nature Reserve Forest areas that have a broad Peropa 38,397 Ha. Precisely located in East Konawe or about 60 km the town of Kendall, the provincial capital of Southeast Sulawesi. The beauty wrapped in serene atmosphere and the flow of the breeze that is so cool is the most amazing natural gift for tourist who visit.In the tourist area is also a waterfall there is a potential wealth of natural stone marble. It is estimated, the overall content of marble ranges from 860 billion cubic meters. Marble in this area is one of the sources of the world's largest marble reserves.

Unique levels 

Some of the waterfalls in other parts of Indonesia has a storied natural contours, so often called multilevel waterfalls, such as Waterfall Beringkat in Riau Province. Almost resembling a terraced waterfall, the waterfall has seven levels Moramo. However, this Moramo Waterfall has a uniqueness that is typical of the limestone rock, which is where the water flows freely. With the limestone rocks that surround the tourists should not be afraid to climb because the walls are not slippery to climb.In addition to the seven main levels, there are also 60 small levels that also functions as a reservoir (a kind of pond water). Of the many ponds, there is one that is often used for swimming. The water was crystal clear, cool and comfortable to make the visitors of these attractions were not afdol been if not go in and swim in the pool. 
Flora and Fauna 
In the area attractions Moramo Waterfall, there is also a variety of flora and fauna do not miss such a wide variety of birds, butterflies, colorful, and various other animals. Generally, the tourists come to these attractions feel very satisfied because it served not only the scenery is very beautiful waterfall to the eye, but also serving exotic trees and jungle animal sounds that seemed to welcome their arrival. 
Complete is the beauty of the mighty works of nature in tourism Moramo Waterfall. Scenery, the sound of waterfalls, chirping birds who shouted, combined with dancing multicolored butterflies flying to and fro.


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