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Baluran, Africa van Java

Baluran National Park is the Natural Resources Conservation area, which means in the National Park area Baluran management of natural resources are utilized wisely done, to ensure continuity of supply by maintaining and improving the quality and value diversity.
Baluran TN area is located in District Banyuputih, Situbondo, East Java Province, with the boundaries of the territory north of Madura Strait, east of the Strait of Bali, south of the River Bajulmati, Wonorejo Village and west of the River Klokoran, Village Sumberanyar.
Area 12 000 ha, covering an area of ​​5537 ha forest zone (aquatic and terrestrial = 1063 = 4574 Ha Ha), the intensive use zone with an area of ​​800 ha, a special use zone with an area of ​​5780 ha, and the rehabilitation zone covering an area of ​​783 ha.
While the terms of the management area is divided into two TN Baluran National Park Management Section, namely: The National Park Management Section Bekol Region I, covering Resort Bama, Lempuyang and Perengan, Section of Management of National Parks Resort Region II covers Karangtekok Watu piling, Labuan Merak and Bitakol.
The purpose of natural resource conservation development that is seeking the establishment of conservation of natural resources and balance the ecosystem, so it can better support efforts to increase public welfare and quality of human life.

Baluran National Park has the potential biodiversity is high enough good flora, fauna and ecosystems, including the beauty of its natural panorama. Judging from the status of the area.

Baluran National Park has three main functions: (1) Protection functions of life support systems, (2) Preservation of species diversity of plants and animals and (3) Utilization of sustainable Natural Resources (SDAH) and their ecosystems, which can be used for research purposes, science, education, cultivation, culture, recreation and tourism.

Thus the purpose of managing the National Parks is to conserve SDAH Baluran and its ecosystem in order to fulfill its function (3P) optimally. The main target Baluran National Park management is SDAH, ecosystems and the region.

The high potential for biodiversity and beautiful natural scenery Baluran, is the main attraction for tourists, both foreign tourists and domestic tourists to visit and enjoy it.

Baluran National Park as one of the conservation area within which a wide range of flora and fauna and the ecosystem has various benefits both tangible benefits (in the utilization of a limited scale) as well as benefits that are intangible, in the form of products, environmental services, such as clean air and natural scenery.

Both of these benefits are at the same time suaturuang and, thus a form of policy that is able to regulate the allocation of resources in relation to community needs by taking into account the carrying capacity of the environmental and socioeconomic aspects of the surrounding community.

Baluran National Park has some of the objects and natural tourist attraction that is quite diverse, consisting of a combination of different landscapes ranging from mountains to ocean ecosystems, savanna, and animal and plant species diversity.

Some areas in the National Park Baluran frequented by tourists and the community for various purposes are used primarily as a tourist destination, among others: Japanese Cave, Bulk tears, Old Well, Evergreen Forest, Bekol, Bama, Burn, Pier, Kramat, Kajang, Balanan , Lempuyang, Talpat, Kacip, room, Sejileh, Freshwater Bay, stacked stone, Pandean, and Temple Bang. As for the tourists who visit the National Park Baluran include domestic tourists and foreign tourists.
Of the various attractions that exist in some Baluran National Park has been developed into tourist products, such as Cave Japan, Bulk tears, Visitor Centre, Temple Bang, Semiang Savana, Savana Bekol, Bekol Evergreen Forest, and Coastal Bama.
Tourism Potential
TN Baluran has interesting places to visit for its natural beauty, diversity of flora and fauna therein, and the uniqueness of the landscape constituent that is not owned by another National Park. Attractions that have made the development of some of them are Bekol, Bama, Goa Japan and Rainfall cry. Natural Attractions in TN Baluran include:
  1. Camping Ground Wonorejo Location camp
  2. Rock climbing into tears bulk Wonorejo
  3. Japanese Caves Wonorejo Peningggalan Japan, formerly a place of protection, storing weapons and food
  4. Old wells Wonorejo is said is a relic of the Majapahit Kingdom
  5. Evergreen Forest Wonorejo evergreen forest, observation of flora and fauna, available pathways interprtasi
  6. Bekol Wonorejo Photography, panoramic view of nature from the tower, the attraction of wildlife in the savanna, inter interpretation of available channels available in 3 pieces guesthouse (26 people)
  7. Bama Wonorejo Photography, mangroves, observation of flora and fauna (including various species of birds and ape atarksi herd of crab fishing with his tail), sunbathing on the beach, swim, snorkelin g, diving, boating, marine life observation, along the beach, watch the sunrise , there is a line of interpretation, was available guesthouse maximum capacity 28 people
  8. Manting Wonorejo freshwater sources, supposedly efficacious as youthful drug
  9. Fishing pier Wonorejo
  10. Kramat, Kajang, Balanan, Lempuyang Wonorejo Things to wildlife in the savanna
  11. Talpat Wonorejo springs, wildlife attractions in savannah
  12. Manekin Wonorejo springs on the slopes
  13. Mountain Climbing mountains Baluran Wonorejo Sumberwaru
  14. Booth / Sijile Sumberwaru Swimming, snorkeling, diving, boating, marine life observation, watching the sunrise, photography
  15. Freshwater bay Freshwater Resources Sumberwaru on the beach, coastal forests, photography
  16. Watu piled Sumberwaru natural panorama from a height, wildlife attraction, photography
  17. Pandean Wonorejo fishing port, search nener
  18. Bang Wonorejo old Temple Cemetery, panoramic beaches, photography


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