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Kelimutu Lake (Three Colors Lake)

If you ever get a chance to go to Flores Island in the province of Nusa Tenggara Timur, don't forget to stop a while to see the beauty of Kelimutu Lake. Kelimutu Lake is a crater lake who located at the top of Kelimutu Mountain. This lake has a uniqueness that is not owned by other lake in the world, because it has three different colors on its lake! That is why Kelimutu Lake also known as Danau Tiga Warna (Three Colors Lake).

The word Kelimutu is comming from the combination of the word "Keli" means Mountain, and "Mutu" which mean to boil. According to local belief, each color on Kelimutu Lake has its own meaning and a very powerful natural force. The blue lake or called as Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai is the place for young people spirit, they who died in young age. The red lake or called as Tiwu Ata Polo is the place for bad people spirit, those who used to do bad thing in their live part. Last but not least is the white lake or Tiwu Ata Mbupu, the place for old people spirit.

For most of the time Kelimutu Lake has different color to each lake, but at the rare moment Kelimutu Lake is possible to have similar color one to another. When Kelimutu Lake changed its color, people in there believe something big will be happening soon. From scientists view, color changes that happened on Kelimutu Lake could be caused by chemical form of salt, iron, sulfates, and other mineral as well as gas pressure. Volcanic activity and sunlight could also be the factor causing changes in the lake water color of Kelimutu.

To reach Kelimutu Lake you need to ride around two hours from Ende district to Moni village, and after that it still takes about 20 minutes to finally arrive there. Although the travel seems quiet far, you will not be disappointing by the view you will see in there. It is better if you decide to stay over the place, because the best time to see Kelimutu Lake is in the best time to see Kelimutu Lake is in the morning around 6.00 to 11.00 am.

Besides the beautiful lake, you can also find the amusement of looking at traditional house of the local people, their traditional dance and tenun ikat as their traditional handy craft. Not only that, on the villages near to Kelimutu Lake you can visit hot springs and traditional villages that must be visited by you. It would a great adventure and experience if you ever go there. Take your friend or family to go there between July to September since it's the best time to go to Kelimutu Lake. Some adventure is priceless, and Kelimutu Lake is definitely one of it!


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