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Komodo Island

Komodo Island is truly unique because it is the natural habitat of this species almost extinct. About one thousand and two hundred komodos live here. Komodos also live in a nearby island called Rinse.

These komodos, dragons in real life, is a sight indeed. Gigantic, lizard-creatures are about two or three meters in length. They can easily weigh about 165 kg. Despite their size and appearance, they are not active hunters. What makes intimidating is the fact that they are predators of a patient. In nature, they stem from a victim, usually a weak or injured. One bite and this usually takes. After the victim for some time, sometimes up to several days, will devour komodos dying prey.

Komodo National Park is located in the region of Indonesia Wallace, identified by WWF and Conservation International as a global conservation priority. The park is located between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores at the border of the province of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) and Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTP) provinces. It includes three major islands, Komodo, Rinse and Padar, and numerous small islands and a total of 603 km2 of land. The total size of Komodo National Park is 1.817 km2. Proposed extension of 25 km2 of land (Banta Island) and 479 km2 of marine waters would be the total area of 2321 km2.

Actually Komodo National Park attraction not solely by the mere presence of dragons. As I quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Forestry who manages the site of the Komodo National Park is, savanna and panoramic views of the sea is an attraction to potential supporters. Such as marine tourism, fishing, snorkeling, diving, canoeing, boating. While on land, natural tourism potential that can be done is observing animals, hiking, and camping. Visit the Komodo National Park and enjoy the natural scenery is extremely captivating experience that will never be forgotten.
Some sites of interest to visit include:

  1. Loh Liang: a tourism concession areas managed by PT. Putri Naga Komodo (PNK PT.). Activities that can be done, among others, observing animals and dragons, deer, boar, bird watching, canoeing etc..
  2. Red Beach: a beautiful shallow beach with beautiful coral reefs. Activities commonly conducted by the tourists who visit are snorkeling or sunbathing.
  3. Loh Sebita: Loh Sebita the mangrove areas and activities are interesting enough to do bird watching and trekking.
  4. Loh Crocodile: a tourism concession areas dielola by PT. Putri Naga Komodo (PNK PT.). Activities that can be done, among others, observing animals and dragons, deer, buffalo, birds, long-tailed monkeys, wild horses, bird watching, canoeing, etc..
  5. The Island of Bats: Activities that can be visited, among other observations bat colony in large enough quantities. The most interesting observations made during the afternoon where the bats started out to find food.
  6. Golo Code: From the top of the hill known as Golo Code, visitors can see panoramas and landscapes is quite fantastic because the representation of various types of ecosystems can be seen from this place.
  7. Molo Strait: Strait which has a swift current of the river that flows like water at high tide.
There are 36 dive sites in the area of ​​TN. Komodo. Frequented by foreign tourists for diving and snorkeling namely: Tatawa Island, Red Beach, Gililawa Sea, Loh Dasami, Pillar Steen, Batu Bolong and Taka Napier.

To reach this place can be done by way Through the land through Bali - Mataram (Lombok Island.) - Bima - Sape (Sumbawa Island.), and then forwarded to the course of using the ferry every day to Labuan Bajo. From Labuan Bajo visitors can visit the Park use the boat or speedboat. Another alternative is through the air, visitors can use air transportation from Bali (Denpasar) to Labuan Bajo every day with the existing airlines including; Indonesian Air Transport (IAT), Pigeon, and Trigana Air.


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