Arpan Adventure Indonesia

All about the natural beauty of Indonesia.


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Gong Cave, the natural charm of Eastern Java, Indonesia

Goa Gong is one of the mainstay attractions Pacitan. Gong Cave is one of the caves hidden in the belly small mountains in Pacitan. This cave is a cave with a horizontal length of about 256 meters. Inside the cave there are stalactite, cone-shaped limestone rocks in the cave ceiling and stalagmites, limestone rock that stands at the base of hundreds of years old. According to some researchers and tourists.

Gong Cave Named as outstanding according to the story, from the cave is often heard noises that sound like a gong. Gong Cave discovery process itself occurs by accident. Once, on a dry season when there is prolonged, so that in Hamlet Pule drought. Water is very difficult to obtain. Noyo Mbah Mbah Joyo Semito and initiative to seek water into the cave that is in place. By using a torch made ​​of dried palm leaves tied together, they browse the aisles tries a cave. After spending seven bunch of torches, they discovered several spring and bathe in it. The discovery took place around the year 1930.


This cave is located in the village Bomo, sub Punung, Pacitan about 30 km from the town of Pacitan, can be achieved with either two-wheel motor vehicles and four wheels. Yag winding roads and up and down makes the rider must be careful, not to mention some minor roads were damaged. To achieve Gong Cave, you can use two lines. The first path is the path through Pracimantoro, Wonosari, Gunungkidul. Whereas the second lane from the town of Pacitan. The easiest way to achieve Pacitan is through Solo. From the city's available pretty much the bus and the road width and smooth. If you depart from Surabaya, you have to change transport three times. From Surabaya to Madison, then change bus to Ponorogo. You take a bus from a small Ponorogo Pacitan majors but now routinely every day there are buses directly from Pacitan to Surabaya and travel-travel that leads you were PP from Malang, Surabaya, Solo, Yogyakarta to Pacitan.


Arriving at the front gate, visitors must first walk about 100 meters. The flashlight vendors at the gate or mouth of the cave will offer their flashlights to rent. During the trip can be enjoyed sights typical mountain or a quick stop to shop at the stalls that lined all the way to the cave. Facilities available in the region, among others, Gong Cave gift shop, restaurant, parking, public toilets, and the mosque. For tourists who want to know the ins and outs of Gong Cave in detail, they can hire a guide who is in the region. However, for those who do not want to hire a guide to buying an existing guide books. For those of you who want to stay, you can rent a hotel or lodging in the city of Pacitan.

When entering the cave, the eye will be more familiar with the state let alone a dark cave when not carrying a flashlight. But not to worry as she walked down the cave because existing lines have been cemented and iron grip so that visitors do not tepelet. Getting into, visitors will be amazed by the sights of exceptional beauty, at least that's what I feel. Stalactite and stalagmite in the cave will hypnotize each eye to see it. Fluorescent lamps add to the colorful keeksotikan this cave. Stalagnit and stalagmites immortalized with a given name, Cello Giri, Citro Cipto Supreme Selo, Pakuan Bomo Cello, Cello Adi Citro Lane, Cello Cello spur banks of Wind and Wind.

Inside there are five spring Goa Gong is valuable for those who believe in magic. Spring-spring include: Spring Charm Rogo, Panguripan Spring, Spring Jiwo niches, Kamulyan Spring, and Spring Nisto niches are believed to have magical value to heal disease.

Gong Cave has some room. The first space is the space contained Angels Spring Small spring with cold water and clean in it. Beside it is the Angel of space, which according to the story, in this room sometimes passing shadow of a beautiful woman who resembles an angel.

The third and fourth space is the space crystal and marble, which is stored in the room crystal stone and marble with a near-perfect quality. The fifth room is the most spacious room. In this place a music concert ever held four countries (Indonesia, Switzerland, Britain, and France) in order to promote the presence of Gong Cave overseas. The sixth room is a room hermitage, and the last room is the living Stone Gong. In this room there are stones that if we will issue a percussion sound like Gong. 

Carstensz Pyramid, Papua

Carstensz Pyramid is the highest mountain in Australia and Oceania. This is the top eight in the project Summit Seven (7 highest peaks on seven mounatins at 7 Continets). Carstensz Pyramid is located in west Papua (now named Papua province of Indonesia). This Indonesian province of Irian Jaya called until 2005. It is located in New Guinea, which is the world 's second largest island.Carstensz Pyramid"Anyone who has ever seen Carstensz Pyramid miss such a beautiful woman She is enticing. You while remaining mysterious. Every now and then it shows you all its beauty, only to be covered by the veil of mist a minute later. It is provocative but reached. It makes you miserable and restless, like us ""Carstensz Pyramid, Puncak Jaya called by some people, and Puncak Jaya Jaya Kesuma Kesuma or only by others, located west of the central plateau called Jayawijaya Mountains and Sudirman. This is the highest mountain in Australia and Oceania. Technically this means that the Carstensz Pyramid is the highest mountain between America and the Himalayas.Illustration map of Glacier. Read the name Carstensz Pyramid - Puncak Jaya KesumaOfficially, he took the name of the inventor - John Carstensz, a Dutch sea-farer. In 1623 he brought the news to Europe about the rights of the mountain of snow at the equator, but no one believed him. He was the first European to see the Carstensz Pyramid with his own eyes.Indonesian communists called Puncak Jaya (victory peak), although the name is different from that considered to belong to the highest summit (Nga Pulu). Yet another name for the Carstensz Pyramid is also often used, is Jaya Kesuma. This name is used in books published by Mapala University. However, today Indonesia using the (somewhat inconsistently) the name of the mountain - Carstensz Pyramid and Puncak Jaya.Sometimes you can run to the misspelled "name" is used when referring to the Carstensz Pyramid, including Karstens, Carstens, Carstenz, Carstenzs, Carstesz, Carstes, Carstez, Karstensz, Karstenz, Karstesz, Karstes, Karstez or the Pyramids. However, all this is a typo. The only name that really is the Carstensz Pyramid. Sometimes, a second name for the Carstensz Puncak Jaya is misspelled and follow the wrong form is used as a substitute: Peak or Peak Jaia Jaja. The most common is undoubtedly a typographical error Karstens and Carstens. The former type derived from the inventor's name Carstensz Pyramid, which is sometimes spelled as January Karstens.Question of the Carstensz Pyramid 's heightOfficially recognized high Carstensz Pyramid is 4884 m (16,023 feet some sources claim 16,013 feet). Despite so many sources still claim a peak is 5030 meters (16,503 feet). Australian air navigation map excerpt 16,503 feet (5030 meters). However, in 1994, the height of the world recognized publisher of maps and guides from Verlag noted in "Ost Indonesien" map altitude 5030 m.All of our equipment (both altimeter and GPS 's) show a lower height of 5000 meters (16,400 feet) at the top of Carstensz Pyramid. Therefore, in line with other leading mountaineers, we show the official 4884 meter high Carstensz Pyramid (16,023 ft) However, we are still unsure about the reasons behind the air navigation maps and the wrong Verlag ..Mountain snow on the equator " 
Carstensz Pyramid - Middle Peak
Carstensz Pyramid - Puncak Jaya (4884 m, 16,023 ft), Puncak Mandala (4640m, 15,223 ft), and Trikora Peak (4730m, 15,518 ft), are the three highest and most famous mountain west of Papua. Carstensz Pyramid is the highest of them, and it belongs to the Snow Mountains (Mountains Maoke in local language). They are located in the western highlands of central Jayawijaya.The tropical legendary Snow Mountains located in the middle of endless forests in West Papua. They are the logical end of Cembalo Plato. Of the three mountains, the only Carstensz pyramid belongs among them. Although Snow Mountain massif is not too high, and it is located 4 degrees south of the equator, it contains four relatively large glaciers. The biggest of them is not the Carstensz Glacier, but the outskirts of the Meren Glacier Nga Pulu peak (4862 m, 15,951 ft). Some people call it the peak of Puncak Jaya Indonesia, because it has long been regarded as the highest peak in Papua.And where the name comes from the Snow Mountains "Not only are the glaciers at the summit, but the reason is also the fact that there is an unusual snow storm tropical snow often. Bringing snow to the area is located as high as 4,000 m (13,123 ft).Carstensz Pyramid wall is approximately 500-600 meters (1640-1968 ft) high. At the top is traversed by a giant ledge, where for large culoars go. The bottom of the wall - approx. 300 m (984 ft) is a "neat" bent at an angle of 10-15 °. The top wall is approx. 80 m (262 ft), and nearly vertical. The crista top of Carstensz Pyramid mostly coarse and open. Some climbers say that the wall of the Carstensz Pyramid is as sharp as glass, and they are not far from the truth.You can get more information about climbing Carstensz Pyramid to explore the pages linked from the menu on the left side.

Beautiful Beaches of Pink, Komodo Island

To see the beautiful beaches of pink, no need to go far abroad, such as the Bahamas, since Indonesia also have pink sand beaches and locations to be located in the area of ​​Komodo Island, East Nusa Tenggara province, the locals called Red Beach . However, foreign tourists who often visit to this beach called Pink Beach.
Along the coast there is no building anything and not populated beaches aka empty, this is of course well-liked by the tourists who prefer a quiet and beautiful beaches.
The foreign tourists who visit here often pictured himself as he photographed on the beach with a backdrop of sea water are graded blue, plus a panorama of green hills, clear blue sky with white clouds, and accompanied by a stretch of sand that is really pink, very beautiful and nuanced romantic.
It is said that in the world there are only seven beaches have pink sand, one that is in the island of Komodo.
According to its origin, this pink sand formed from fragments of red coral, yet another newspaper saying pink is actually produced because of the kind of microscopic animals called Foraminifera amoeba that produces bright red or pink coral, do not be surprised if we took a pinch of sand, then it looks red sand in between the white sand.
Uniquely from this beach, if the waves swept sand and pull it back, then the color of pink sand turned into an old, very beautiful. Grains of sand smooth and soft, feels soft when walking or sunbathing on it.
Activity there other than take pictures, can sunbathe, swim, or just sitting enjoying the view. In addition to not too crowded and commercial, swimming activity was very pleasant and refreshing the eyes, because a lot of hard and soft Corals Corals are still colorful and healthy, plus the number of ornamental fish, such as clown fish (Nemo fish), butterfly fish, bat fish and much more.
How to reach the Pink Beach, fairly easy, we flew from Bali to Labuan Bajo, then hire a boat or fishing boat from Labuan Bajo to Komodo Island. Before getting to the Pink Beach, tourists usually come before the Park at Loh Liang to see first hand the life of wild dragons.
For fans of scuba diving, the underwater world at the Pink Beach unusually good, you can follow a dive trip with Dive Operators in Labuan Bajo.
For the record, because at this beach there are no shops or restaurants, you are advised to bring their own supplies to taste.

Rinjani Mountain Climbing in Exotic

One of the volcanoes in Indonesia are famous all over the world are Rinjani. Every year, there were thousands of foreign and domestic tourists up the mountain altitude 3726 m asl (above sea level) is. Inevitably, Mount Rinjani became the target of wild adventure lovers.
Located in the northern land of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Mount Rinjani is the third highest volcano in Indonesia. Peak heights only defeated by the Jayawijaya Mountains in Papua and Mount Kerinci in Sumatra ground.
There are several hiking trail that is often used to climb Mount Rinjani. But for those adventurers who first visited Lombok, it is advisable to choose the path Sembalun Lawang. Heading the initial ascent on this route is relatively inexpensive and easy to reach by public transport.
From the seaport gates Sheets, en route to the bus terminal in the city of Mataram. In the terminal available vehicle department of Mataram-Aikmel elf. Approximately 1 hour drive, arrived in the region Aikmel. Here, the adventurous elf greeted vehicle heading directly towards the ascent Sembalun Lawang.
During the trip, we pass through tropical forests plus the attraction of wild monkeys on the edge of the road. Plantation cabbage, peppers and onions stretched. In addition, presented a green canyon scenery enchanting Sasak tribe which inhabited the traditional, tribal island of Lombok.
Arriving at the post Sembalun Lawang climbing, the climbers must register. Before departure, the official park rangers give a message to keep clean and respect the customs of the locals. Not forgetting also explained the location of the hidden springs.
For those in need, available services guide (the guide) or porter (personnel carrier), which is equipped with equipment rental and supplies standard mountaineering. Management of tourist services involving this Sasak tribe, different rates apply for foreign tourists and local tourists. 

Climbing terrain
The first challenge that must be taken is the broad plains and hilly. Characteristics of this nature provide a new experience for adventurers who climb mountains in regular Java. Usually the mountains in Java presents more homogeneous and heterogeneous forests.
Climate along the dusty badlands of the stinging makes stamina quickly depleted. Only in some places overgrown weeds spread rumut as delicious food for the oxen shepherd. In certain places there is a special post that can be used with a spring camping and emergency toilet.
After savannas, field trip was getting heavier. Steep hill with a yawning chasm between the hedges began attending heterogeneous forest. Mount Rinjani can be said to be safe from the threat of wild animals. Birds, monkeys and chickens hanging from the forest that is often encountered in the forest.
After traveling about 7 hours, arrived at pelawangan (mountain ridge) Sembalun Lawang. The location is overgrown with mountain pine (Casuarina junghuniana) This is the last climb before heading to the summit.
Pelawangan Sembalun Lawang is located right on the slopes of Lake Segara Anakan buffer. As a result, while resting, hikers can see exoticism as much a giant lake formed by volcanic eruption of Mount Rinjani.
Unfortunately the weather at this altitude is very easy to change. The attacks can come suddenly blurred replace cold weather heat. Quite often wind storms capable of ripping even fly tent. However, the charm of sunrise and sunset into an unforgettable moment of a lifetime.
Then there are two options: continue the adventure to the summit or directly down to Lake Segara Anakan. Field trip to the top heavy and quite dangerous. Deserts, craters, and that seemed bottomless abyss, will force berpacunya adrenaline during the 3-5 hour trip.
While the field trip to Lake Segara Anakan no less thrilling. The climber must be agile down the rocky slope with a slope ranging from 40-80 degrees. What is noteworthy is that the risk of life-threatening rock debris climbers. 

Lake Segara Anakan
For the Sasak tribe, Lake Segara Anakan is considered a sacred place that must be maintained her purity. Green and blue lakes that, used also as a place of pilgrimage and worship of Hindus, Muslims Wettu Barbadensis (Hindu-Muslim syncretism) as well as trust in God Almighty.
So do not be surprised, if the smell of incense or flower offerings found around the lake. In addition, the Sasak tribe have great respect for the funeral Dewi Anjani, which is believed to be the supreme ruler of Mount Rinjani this invisible realm.
Lake water that taste rough, due to a mixture of fresh water and sulfur water, believed as a potent medicine to cure various diseases. Believe it or not, in fact, this situation led to the growth of cultural wisdom to preserve the environment and avoid the exploitation of natural resources.
Apart from all that, the climbers will feel pampered nature. To relax tense muscles, we can soak in some hot water all day natural sulfur pool. Although the spectacle of dozens of wild monkeys used as a saber-toothed.
The most exciting, of course burn the fish in the lake. Carp, tilapia and large-sized Harper flourished in this lake. When less is definitely not an expert or fishing, we could buy fish from local anglers who frequently appeared in the holiday season.
Across the lake looks dune sand dunes are often white smoke into the sky. People call it a New Mountain. Not much information about the mountain of sand that is still active

Baluran, Africa van Java

Baluran National Park is the Natural Resources Conservation area, which means in the National Park area Baluran management of natural resources are utilized wisely done, to ensure continuity of supply by maintaining and improving the quality and value diversity.
Baluran TN area is located in District Banyuputih, Situbondo, East Java Province, with the boundaries of the territory north of Madura Strait, east of the Strait of Bali, south of the River Bajulmati, Wonorejo Village and west of the River Klokoran, Village Sumberanyar.
Area 12 000 ha, covering an area of ​​5537 ha forest zone (aquatic and terrestrial = 1063 = 4574 Ha Ha), the intensive use zone with an area of ​​800 ha, a special use zone with an area of ​​5780 ha, and the rehabilitation zone covering an area of ​​783 ha.
While the terms of the management area is divided into two TN Baluran National Park Management Section, namely: The National Park Management Section Bekol Region I, covering Resort Bama, Lempuyang and Perengan, Section of Management of National Parks Resort Region II covers Karangtekok Watu piling, Labuan Merak and Bitakol.
The purpose of natural resource conservation development that is seeking the establishment of conservation of natural resources and balance the ecosystem, so it can better support efforts to increase public welfare and quality of human life.

Baluran National Park has the potential biodiversity is high enough good flora, fauna and ecosystems, including the beauty of its natural panorama. Judging from the status of the area.

Baluran National Park has three main functions: (1) Protection functions of life support systems, (2) Preservation of species diversity of plants and animals and (3) Utilization of sustainable Natural Resources (SDAH) and their ecosystems, which can be used for research purposes, science, education, cultivation, culture, recreation and tourism.

Thus the purpose of managing the National Parks is to conserve SDAH Baluran and its ecosystem in order to fulfill its function (3P) optimally. The main target Baluran National Park management is SDAH, ecosystems and the region.

The high potential for biodiversity and beautiful natural scenery Baluran, is the main attraction for tourists, both foreign tourists and domestic tourists to visit and enjoy it.

Baluran National Park as one of the conservation area within which a wide range of flora and fauna and the ecosystem has various benefits both tangible benefits (in the utilization of a limited scale) as well as benefits that are intangible, in the form of products, environmental services, such as clean air and natural scenery.

Both of these benefits are at the same time suaturuang and, thus a form of policy that is able to regulate the allocation of resources in relation to community needs by taking into account the carrying capacity of the environmental and socioeconomic aspects of the surrounding community.

Baluran National Park has some of the objects and natural tourist attraction that is quite diverse, consisting of a combination of different landscapes ranging from mountains to ocean ecosystems, savanna, and animal and plant species diversity.

Some areas in the National Park Baluran frequented by tourists and the community for various purposes are used primarily as a tourist destination, among others: Japanese Cave, Bulk tears, Old Well, Evergreen Forest, Bekol, Bama, Burn, Pier, Kramat, Kajang, Balanan , Lempuyang, Talpat, Kacip, room, Sejileh, Freshwater Bay, stacked stone, Pandean, and Temple Bang. As for the tourists who visit the National Park Baluran include domestic tourists and foreign tourists.
Of the various attractions that exist in some Baluran National Park has been developed into tourist products, such as Cave Japan, Bulk tears, Visitor Centre, Temple Bang, Semiang Savana, Savana Bekol, Bekol Evergreen Forest, and Coastal Bama.
Tourism Potential
TN Baluran has interesting places to visit for its natural beauty, diversity of flora and fauna therein, and the uniqueness of the landscape constituent that is not owned by another National Park. Attractions that have made the development of some of them are Bekol, Bama, Goa Japan and Rainfall cry. Natural Attractions in TN Baluran include:
  1. Camping Ground Wonorejo Location camp
  2. Rock climbing into tears bulk Wonorejo
  3. Japanese Caves Wonorejo Peningggalan Japan, formerly a place of protection, storing weapons and food
  4. Old wells Wonorejo is said is a relic of the Majapahit Kingdom
  5. Evergreen Forest Wonorejo evergreen forest, observation of flora and fauna, available pathways interprtasi
  6. Bekol Wonorejo Photography, panoramic view of nature from the tower, the attraction of wildlife in the savanna, inter interpretation of available channels available in 3 pieces guesthouse (26 people)
  7. Bama Wonorejo Photography, mangroves, observation of flora and fauna (including various species of birds and ape atarksi herd of crab fishing with his tail), sunbathing on the beach, swim, snorkelin g, diving, boating, marine life observation, along the beach, watch the sunrise , there is a line of interpretation, was available guesthouse maximum capacity 28 people
  8. Manting Wonorejo freshwater sources, supposedly efficacious as youthful drug
  9. Fishing pier Wonorejo
  10. Kramat, Kajang, Balanan, Lempuyang Wonorejo Things to wildlife in the savanna
  11. Talpat Wonorejo springs, wildlife attractions in savannah
  12. Manekin Wonorejo springs on the slopes
  13. Mountain Climbing mountains Baluran Wonorejo Sumberwaru
  14. Booth / Sijile Sumberwaru Swimming, snorkeling, diving, boating, marine life observation, watching the sunrise, photography
  15. Freshwater bay Freshwater Resources Sumberwaru on the beach, coastal forests, photography
  16. Watu piled Sumberwaru natural panorama from a height, wildlife attraction, photography
  17. Pandean Wonorejo fishing port, search nener
  18. Bang Wonorejo old Temple Cemetery, panoramic beaches, photography

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